I get asked all the time where I got my planner. I go to meetings and trainings and it becomes a topic of conversation. Then the conversation naturally turns to…where did you get______ that you put inside it. I decided to take a day and compile all the resources I know of for my planner aka FoxyDori and here they are.
First, most importantly, is my cover. There are many covers out there, the two I am using currently are both FoxyDori. Kelly Strong-Marco owns the shop and makes them herself. A good cover is the jumping off point for anything you want to do with your planner. I know there are other traveler's notebook covers out there. Some people may prefer a more flexible cover, I like the leather firm, it provides structure and support for the elastic that holds the inserts in.
Next comes the inserts. I can’t possibly cover every single resource out there for the paper inserts. Many are DIY (do it yourself) printables and many are pre-made. Some of my favorite pre-mades (all Etsy Shops) are:
1. YellowPaperHouse
2. May Designs
3. Molsmum
4. MorganLeFaesTrinkets
5. MarsiaBramucci (she has DIY but will also print them for you)
6. KiddyQualia
7. OnicaHanby
This is, by no means, an exhaustive list, there are many more sites out there that sell pre-made inserts. A simple search on Etsy or Google will give you a huge list. Of course you can also purchase inserts from Midori as well.
DIY inserts are as plentiful as the pre-made ones. DIY inserts do require you to cut and bind them yourself. This is usually stapling, although some people get fancy and sew them together. You can find a lot of YouTube videos on putting printable inserts together. My favorite Etsy shops that sell DIY’s are:
8. AndreaGomoll
9. RebeccaMeyersDesigns
10. JaneDIY
11. DIYfish
12. Essikulnserts
13. KellyBangsCreative
14. ButeoBunker (he also sells pre-made)
15. PapierMyDay.
Again, this is not an exhaustive list. There are many more on Etsy. Additionally, MorganLeFaesTrinkets has a blog and FREE printables you can download. I use a couple of them in my blog Dori…they are great.
Once you have your inserts figured out then you will want to accessorize…that can mean stickers, folders, stamps, pens, charms, clips…your imagina
tion is the only limit. Here is a list of some resources, again hardly exhaustive. My favorite go-to shops are
16. JetPens
17. MochiThings
18. SeeJaneWork
19. GirlofAllWork,
20. HappieScrappie.
21. AlexStudios
22. Yoobi
23. GouletPen
24. OliBlock
25. 3SpeckledFawns
26. LadyendeVagehond
27. MyPaperShoppe
28. OllieEmily
29. LobsterBisqueVintage
30. StickersKingdom
31. PrettyTape
32. CharlottesWeb86
I have a zillion pens, pens are my thing. My favorite pens however, are:
33. Lamy
34. Kaweco
35. Pilot
36. these Tombow pencils (love the color)
37. this Zebra Mini ballpoint pen
38. this Pilot mechanical pencil (again the color...)
39. these Pilot erasable pens
40. These Pilot Maica fine point pens (you can buy individual pens)
41. this Sharpie for writing on stickers and washi tape.
42. JetPens just posted these...a really nice alternative to Sharpies....
I know there are MANY more resources out there for Traveler's Notebooks...please feel free to list yours in the comments if they aren't here! Stay tuned for Part II....compiling another list of the best DIY sites for instructions on making folders, inserts and more.